How A Bill Becomes A Law…That Makes Life Difficult

This blog space is not intended for political discussion.  Yet, here I am throwing a link to the New York State Senate’s website onto my July posting.  I’m doing so because it’s a bill that is designed to create oversight in the private education world.
I get that the two Senators from the NYC area might be seeking to reign in the anti-vaccine movement, or stifle incorrect information in the homeschooling world.  Perhaps a better way to do this is to specifically focus on the actual categories of education.  As someone who has been privately teaching music for over two decades, I know my abilities and feel that those to whom I would need to kowtow wouldn’t necessarily take issue unless they have their own personal baggage (perish the thought).

Music instruction is probably not a major concern for legislators.  I’m certain it has more to do with the misrepresentation of scientific, historical, and social facts.

The real damage is for people like me would be in the requirement to have to register (and pay!?!?!) into multiple school districts.  Quite honestly, if I’m evaluated based on standards of music teachers, I do have concern.  I don’t feel public & private school music education is necessarily being applied.

Simply put: People learn from teachers they like.  Or teachers who represent something that has meaning, even if that meaning is not verbalized (internally or otherwise).  I have lesson plans and methodologies that I’ve applied to many students.  I have also had to toss them aside based on students who will not/cannot follow them.

As I said: We’re seeking to form musical humans.  Sitting down with a book might be the best thing for this kid and the worst for that kid.  I’m willing to put in the time due to my inherent interest.  I’m able to put in the time because I’m not beholden to state requirements.

If you’re a New York resident, please click the link, scroll down, and click “nay” to the bill.  Maybe eve contact local representatives and say: legislate people who are endangering society, not music teachers who have a difficult time making a living to begin with.