Time to Write!

With each passing month, I would look at my sidebar and its list of the months that contain a blog entry. “This month, I need write at least one post.” Another months passes, devoid of a new blog entry. If I feel the need to offer an excuse, I could present an intense August. Well, the second half of August. But the difficulties of those two weeks remained active for September. August and September do not explain the lack of an entry for July.

At this point, I am constantly writing…for school. The work is certainly not difficult. It does however, involve time and attention.

Was it while I was in the tenth grade where I became conscious that my issue with writing was beginning to write? I would say yes. At that point, I felt I was problematic and in the wrong for not being able to simply sit down and happily fire off an essay for a teacher. As years passed, more people in television included meta-storylines and jokes about the empty page. With that in mind, I would argue that if I am in a state of constantly writing, I have already begun and simply need to shift focus to a different topic.

Blogging can be open ended. What is my focus? Do I remain on music, guitar, instruction, gear? All of it? That’s where school assignments and paid work can focus the subject matter and create that necessity to begin, now. Then edit. How easy is editing? We get to pick apart something already written. We might also judge the writer. What is up with their style of syntax?

It has been years since I wrote a gear review on this website. Perhaps I need to review the recent speaker cabinet I purchased. This is the first cabinet in my life since the 90s! Speakers and cabinets are not mind blowing topics, but sooner or later we need them. Which cabinets are worth the money?